New Years ResolutionDid you make any New Year’s resolutions this year? If so, how successful have you been at sticking to them so far?

Studies show that many folks don’t even make it through the first week of the new year before their good intentions have fallen by the wayside. So if that’s you, don’t worry, you are not alone.

So why is that?

It’s because often our goals are things we think we should be doing. We tell ourselves, “I should work out more.” “I should eat better.” “I should lose those 10 lbs.” “I should watch less TV.”

But committing to something just because you think you should, or because someone else suggested it to you, is not very motivating or compelling. It’s no wonder that we give up without much of a fight.

But there are steps that you can take to create New Year’s resolutions that result in lasting change.

So, here are 3 tips to help you write resolutions (or any goals for that matter) that stick:

1. They have to source from the CORE of who you are.

Instead of just being something that you think you should do, what if you created resolutions or goals that emerged from the core of your being – from your sense of purpose in life? Do you think that would make a difference? I sure do.

This time of year is often a time to reflect on the past year – to examine what worked for us and what did not – as well as to look ahead to the upcoming year. Imagine if you also took the time to ponder the big question of why you are here on the earth at this time.

What if you looked ahead to the new year and created resolutions for change that sourced from your unique life purpose. Now that would be a force to reckon with! That’s because your life purpose is a driving force .

2. They have to be really important to you.New Years Resolution Deepest Value

To be effective, a resolution or goal has to be aligned with your deepest values. Do you know what your top 3 or 5 values are? Can you clearly articulate them? Do you know which of your top values is the most important to you?

If a resolution is based on something that is not really important to you, the chance of success is slim.

On the other hand, if you create goals and resolutions from the things that really matter to you, that are based on your deepest values, there’s a much higher likelihood of you achieving them.

You will also have much more satisfaction, enthusiasm, and joy as you accomplish those things that you set out to do.

3. They have to be big enough to stretch your limits.

New Years Resolution Big Goal

If you have one big goal or New Year’s resolution that pushes the envelope of what you can accomplish you are more likely to be successful than if you have a number of less significant goals. That is because a big goal has more power of manifestation than lots of smaller ones.

It’s easier to focus on one big goal and is less overwhelming than a bunch of smaller goals.

When you take on a big goal and you really claim it as yours, you become unstoppable. It will energize and invigorate you. Whereas, you are much more likely to give up on lesser goals.

So rather than a bunch of less meaningful goals, choose one big New Year’s resolution that pushes you outside your comfort zone… and go for it 100 percent. Then, once you are clear on your one big goal, chunk it down into smaller “benchmark” goals, each with a specific timeline. And even although we have passed January 1st, it is not to late to create a meaningful big goal for yourself for 2014. Why not write it down now?

Get bigger about who you are and what you can accomplish! I know you can do it.

So I do hope these tips help you to create New Year’s resolutions and goals that have a lasting and meaningful impact on your life. And if you need help clarifying your sense of purpose, your values or your life vision and goals, do contact me. I’d be honored to help.