Holiday StressThis is always such a busy time of year. It seems that there is too much to do and not enough time – at least not enough time to really enjoy the festivities.

So we tend to cut down on the activities that fuel and nourish us, in an effort to “get more done”.

Unfortunately that means that we are often running on empty. It’s no wonder we get so stressed out at the holidays.

So here are some practical activities that you may have been tempted to reduce or eliminate for the next few weeks. However, not only will they actually help you reduce stress in your life during the busy holiday season, but the renewed energy you get might even help you get more done!


Physical Exercise

Physical ExerciseWithout a doubt, some form of physical exercise is a great way to break the stress cycle. Exercise pumps up your endorphins (feel-good hormones) and decreases your stress hormones. It also reduces chronic muscle tension, helps you sleep better, and decreases anxiety.

Exercise is also a natural way to increase your energy level, alertness, and concentration. But that’s just the beginning…

In addition to simply increasing blood flow, and hence oxygen to the brain, we now know that physical activity actually helps create new brain cells or neurons, and helps them connect better with other nerve cells. In other words, exercise is a powerful way to help you rewire your brain for greater health, focus, creativity and maybe even intelligence. So during this holiday season, do make sure you get plenty of exercise. You’ll feel better for it.



DanceDance is also a powerful stress reducer, especially learning new moves, which can be both physically and mentally challenging.

And if you guys think that manly men don’t dance, think again. According to Psychologies magazine, Dr. Peter Lovett, a psychologist specializing in performance at the University of Hertfordshire in England, recently examined how women respond to men’s dance moves at nightclubs.

He discovered that shufflers (those who simply shuffle from foot to foot) were rated lowest in terms of masculinity and attractiveness, while those who incorporated the occasional unexpected movement were “eye-catching and appeared more in control.”

So who says manly men don’t dance!

So at that next holiday party, break out the dancing shoes and don’t hold back 🙂


Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and PilatesYoga and Pilates are also powerful ways to decrease stress and increase energy (not to mention overall enthusiasm for life). Both of these practices incorporate controlled breathing, increased blood flow, hand-eye coordination, and complete body-mind awareness.

I love my regular Pilates classes for the unique combination of strength building and flexibility. Even after a hard workout I leave feeling so refreshed and ready for whatever life brings my way.



MassageThen, after all of that activity you will have earned a massage. Getting a relaxing, therapeutic massage is one of my favorite ways to interrupt the stress cycle and to rejuvenate. OK, so I will admit that I am a massage junkie. I’ve rarely met a massage I didn’t like.

For me, massage reminds the muscles of what it feels like to relax and let go. And when the body lets go, the mind does too. And always, a rested mind is more resilient and operates with greater clarity.

So there you have it – Part One of my holiday de-stressors. Do these things and you will have more energy and enthusiasm during the holidays and beyond.

So what are your most effective ways to stay sane during the holidays? What helps you stay calm and relaxed so that you can enjoy all that the season has to offer? Please leave your comments and ideas below 🙂